Microcosm Technical Info

Microcosm requires more memory than most people usually leave free. If you know how to free up this memory, then please do so. Otherwise instructions for making a DOS Boot Disk can be found here. Please note, however, that the EMM386.EXE RAM option should be changed to EMM386.EXE NOEMS in the config.sys portion of the instructions.

If you are having problems getting the right mouse button to function properly during the game, or your mouse is behaving strangely, you are probably using Microsoft Mouse version 9.0 or earlier.

For information on getting a newer driver, contact your system vendor, or try Microsoft's homepage.

If you are getting blank-screen lockups or PROGRAM TERMINATION FAULT errors, a patchdisk is availible. Microcosm Patch Ver. 1.3.3 [ZIP File, 640K]

US CD32 owners may have noticed the strange centering of the game's screens (the top/bottom of the screen is missing). This is due to the fact that the game runs in the PAL screenmode. Make sure that you are using a TV has an adjustable vertical hold, and that your system is running in PAL mode when the game is started.

You can force the CD32 into PAL mode by holding down both mouse buttons during the boot sequence. This will bring you to the Early Startup Control Panel. Select PAL from the availible screenmodes, and continue the boot process.